Export Reports

Export reports are unformatted reports that contain the contents of the selected ancillary file. The data displays in a flat Excel file that can be manipulated and re-imported if desired through the Integration Wizard.

Export reports are a type of ancillary report.

You can generate these Export reports:

  • Export Appn. Mapping: Use this report to export mapping rules.
  • Export Appn Definition: Use this report to export apportionment definition.
  • Export Calculations: Use this report to export resource calculations relevant to the resources.
  • Export Calendar: Use this report to export all calendar data.
  • Export Code: Use this report to export all code data that is relevant to you.
  • Export Holidays: Use this report to export all calendar holidays.
  • Export Rates: Use this report to export all rate data.
  • Export Resources: Use this report to export all resource data for the selected resource file.
Note: Export reports are a type of ancillary report.